
Welcome to Four Six World Trips

Welcome to our Four Six World Trips blog. It was born out of our desire to adventure with our four children, taking them to each of the continents except Antarctica. It’s not that we’re ruling that one out, it’s just really expensive and they’ll probably have to do that one on their own. We initially planned to accomplish this in a single year (our #FourSixTwelve plan) but we got interrupted by COVID. Still, Four Six World Trips is pretty cool on its own. Our posts will mostly talk about our experiences, whether abroad or a bit closer to our home in the U.S. on the Georgia/South Carolina border. Some trips will be with less, or even one kiddo, and some will be parents only. See the Our Story page for more info about how to tell. We will mostly focus on the narrative of the trip, try to throw out hints about what to do and not do, and also tell you our “horror stories” – mostly to convince you that there’s rarely a parenting emergency you can’t handle no matter where in the world you happen to find yourself.

If you have suggestions, advice, or feedback for us, feel free to get in touch below!

    We're traveling parents with four kids that we plan to drag all over the world. We love adventure and we would be pleased to have you join us!

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